Saturday, August 10, 2013

Working Out VS Training Pt 2

Can you do both?
Is it possible to both train and workout at the same time, even in the same workout?
I’d say it is possible as long as you have your priority set correctly. If you are training for an event and it is in the near future, you would train your event in the first part of your session, SPP - Specific Physical Preparedness. An example would be if you are training for kettlebell long cycle at a competition you would practice/train for that in the beginning of your session. The second part of you session would be GPP – General Physical Preparedness. This is where you can “workout”, do circuit training, cardio, free weights, etc..
Now this can sound promising, a place where you can add variety, as long as it still works toward your goal of your training, and does not push you towards overtraining.
How do you know if you’re overtraining? Here are some signs of overtraining:
  • Washed-out feeling, tired, drained, lack of energy
  • Mild leg soreness, general aches and pains
  • Pain in muscles and joints
  • Sudden drop in performance
  • Insomnia
  • Headaches
  • Decreased immunity(increased number of colds, and sore throats)
  • Decrease in training capacity / intensity
  • Moodiness and irritability
  • Depression
  • Loss of enthusiasm for the sport
  • Decreased appetite
  • Increased incidence of injuries.
  • Compulsive need to exercise

There are several ways to objectively check for over training, one simple way is to check your heart rate, pulse, when you wake up in the morning. If you know your resting heart rate [1st thing in the morning] and you find it is going up that is a sign of over training.

Some ways to treat over training
·               Rest and recover
·               Hydrate!!!!!
·               Sports Massage

That’s all for now ….any questions? Comments?