Monday, April 09, 2012

Aprils workout - IKFF Certification in Hoboken NJ

Hello, hope everyone is having great workouts!
Been trying to get my running up but nagging injuries are slowing me down.
Below is my latest workout revision, you’ll notice I’m practicing Dbl KB Jerks & Snatches [single kb] every workout, this is due to Level 2 IKFF cert in May 18th -20th {AMRAP=  as many reps as possible] There are slotsavailable for level 1 &2 in Hoboken NJ click here for more information.
Just to get this out there as well as being CKT and ISSA [VERY soon as soon as I finish my test] I am also a trained health coach inquire for more information.
Bench 3-2-1
Cardio Divide
Dbl KB Jerk  & Snatches AMRAP
-          28k

 Strength Conditioning


Trapbar Deadlift 10 minutes

Cardio Divide

Dbl KB Jerk  & Snatches AMRAP
-          20k

Pushups/Pullups 7 minutes

Core finisher


Squats [20 rep]
Dbl KB Jerk  & Snatches AMRAP

TGU 10 minutes

Cardio  Divide

Sandbag or KB or Combo drills

Let me know what you think of this workout!