I’ve been ask a lot lately, maybe due to the Crossfit
Championships then Olympics, what do I think of
That’s a subject that seems to have people thinking they
need to be either “pro” or “con” “Crossfit”.
Here is my take, I’ve actually never done a CF workout, so I
can’t be outspoken either way, so I’m actually neutral I guess. It definitely has
its positives, just look at the athletes, most of them anyway I’m sure someone
going to say they have seen otherwise. They are well conditioned and
strong. The negatives I see involving it
are when I go to a gym, that is NOT a CF gym and the trainers have people who
have no right, yet, jumping into that kind of workout. {Advice start people off slow where they need
to start depending on their situation, not where they “THINK” thay are ---they’ll
stay around longer and be happier and
healthier in the long run} I’ve seen people hurt and also seen their breakfast
because they were doing something not at their current level of fitness.
The WOD idea works but I need some thing more clearly measurable,
that’s why I like the various density methods, especially EDT. EDT, escalating density training in a nut
shell is you take a set time frame, say 10
minutes, take a set weight on an exercise that you can do 8 reps with -250lbs
on deadlift as an example, do as many sets of 5 in the time frame. Record it
and do better next workout. To try and
make it more clear in this short time frame: you get 4 sets in 10 minutes
simply you can go for 5, or add 10lbs and get 4 more or just get 1 more rep [
one thing I do is if I cant get 5 reps toward the end I do 4 then 3 then 2, etc
add all the reps up times I by the weight and try and get a higher rep per
minute next workout]….phew
Where was I ….
Oh the WOD thing, WOD is what either pulls people in or
pushes them away it seems. Why cant you do both???
Take this as an example you want to work on your kettlebell
snatch, you do a 10 minute EDT of Snatches, then finish it it up with a WOD. This
works both arguments and gets a fullbody session in.
This what I’ve been doing not even realizing it I’ve always
been playing both sides.
Really is there a bad workout if it gets people moving
My shoulder is getting frustrating, but I’m moving . I’m
doing sort of what I just mentioned but I’m doing Tai Cheng with it, I do the
mobility warm-up then my workout then the Tai Chi as a cooldown. If your
interested in more you can contact me or click on the links in this post or on
the right.
Here is my next workout, please let me know what you think.
Oh yeah for September I want to do 10K Swings!!!!
5-3-1 Front Squats
10 minute EDT Snatches
Swings –Tabatas
10 minute EDT Jerks
Core finisher
5-3-1 Trap-bar Deadlift
Bootcamp/ TaiCheng