Saturday, September 03, 2011

Now that I am Certified…

I recently earned my IKFF CKT certification, during which I got the Kettlebell Sport Bug. So now I want to add that element into my training without sacrificing other types of working out that I’ve been doing. Granted when I do enter a contest the Sport lifting ratio will increase. In case you do not know what KB Sport consists of it is timed events, either a biathalon which is 10 minutes of Jerks a rest the 10 minutes of Snatches [1 hand change]], or the long cycle which is 10 minutes of clean and jerks. Now during these ten minutes you can rest in the rack or overhead {snatch only in the overhead. of course} position you can not put the bell down or your time is finished. There are different Kettlebell weight requirements, and you are using a competition style bell.
Right now I still have to get the lifts down so I have added them to my workout as follows, note the changes

Each workout will start with 1 of 4 10 minute EDT sessions
1. Turkish Get-up
25lb club & 48kg Bell
2. Deadlift
3. Long Cycle
4. Squat

These will be followed by a 2 minute “Cardio Divide”

Then practice of the Jerk and Snatch
Mondays, I will do ladders [timed] with a lighter bell
Wednesdays, interval – start with 30/30 a heavy bell
Fridays a timed session

On days in which the EDT is the “Long Cycle” I will add an extended pause at the top and rack positions [of jerk & press] to practice “resting”

2 minute “Cardio Divide”

GPP & Cardio [or combined]

What do you think? All suggestions are welcome!