Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Looking for 4 Common But Useless Fattburning Exercises?

You may be wasting your time in the gym or at home if you are trying to shape your body or get rid of bodyfat.

Most people are. That is when it comes to exercise for getting rid of bellyfat and getting into better shape.

I was in the gym today (nothing new... ; ) and I saw all 4 of these exercises being performed by various gym members (again... nothing new.)

And they are useless for 99% of the people on the planet.

Here they are...


USELESS EXERCISE 1: Walking Dumbbell Lunges


Okay ladies, this one is for you... although I see guys do this exercise as well.

This is where you take a pair of dumbbells and kneel with one leg, then the other, and so-on, walking around the gym as you go.

The idea behind this exercise is to work the butt, and to some extent the thighs... but it's a joke. It's something invented by trainers who should know better.

If you want to build and tone your butt, exercise one leg at a time. Lunges are a great exercise for this, but save your energy. Do them on a Smith Machine or with a barbell. Work one leg at a time, too. Do not alternate legs. This just wears you out aerobically before it has a chance to get to your glutes.

Here's how I perform lunges: On a Smith Machine, with pretty heavy weights... one leg at a time. I will do 2-3 sets, or do them in my 7 Minute Body-style workout fashion. I will finish one leg (and one butt cheek) before moving to the other leg.

Why? Again, to focus on the muscle more intensely and to avoid turning a leg/butt workout into a cardio session.

Jon Benson covers exactly how to work the butt area for the best results in 7 Minute Body and 7 Minute Muscle, found right here:

click.here ----- > 7MM



I'm shocked that people still think sit-ups done the old-fashioned way actually work the abs. Even worse, most people have been fooled into believing this actually helps get rid of bellyfat.

Nonsense. Bellyfat is burned off when you have a good nutrition plan and through general exercise, not using exercises for the abs. Ab exercises are fine, but guess what?

I never train my abs more than 3-5 minutes. Today my ab workout took 3 minutes and 12 seconds to complete. And my abs are sore!

But without the nutrition plan, forget it... I'd never SEE my abs at all. I'd just have a nice wall of muscle with a bunch of flab covering it up.

The best nutrition plan for abs is The Every Other Day Dietplan, found here:

click.here ----- > EODD

The best exercises to do for the actual ab muscles are hanging leg raises, done slowly, crunches (if you do them right)... and that's really all you need.




I'm going to get a lot of flack from the guys out there who love to bench, but I'm here to tell you that this exercise for bodyshaping is all but worthless.

Why? Because most people are not built right body-wise to bench press on a flat bench with a barbell. I am not, that's for sure.

Bench presses work if you have short arms, a relatively short torso, and your shoulders are genetically strong.

Protect your shoulders and really work your chest by doing incline dumbbell presses with your palms facing OUT, not in toward your head. This protects the rotator cuff, a part of the shoulder that is often injured using barbell bench presses.

Combine this with a good cable fly or press movement and you're set. Again, you only need about 7-14 minutes of chest work tops to get the job done.


USELESS EXERCISE 4: Most Cardio Exercises


Yep... saved the best for last.

Here's a fact: Most cardio (bike, treadmill, glider, whatever) is a waste to time... UNLESS you do it at the right time with the right nutrition plan.

The calories you burn from cardio will be easily negated simply by eating a bagel! Hardly effective for getting rid of bodyfat. Weight training and/or resistance training at home or with your body weight, as covered in 7 Minute Muscle, is your best bet for exercise that burns-off mega-calories and keeps on burning long after the exercise session is over.

Here's how to use traditional cardio wisely:

1. Do it first thing in the morning on an empty stomach;
2. Keep your heart rate down to 75% of your max (220 minus your age x .75 will give you this number, at least approximately);
3. "Burst" for 2-3 minutes in your session up to 85-90% of your max heart rate.
4. OR, do cardio right after weight or resistance training when your heart rate is already elevated and your blood sugar is lower. Your body burns blood sugar first during exercise.

Cardio for most people only needs to be performed 3-4 times a week for 20 minutes. The only time I break this rule is when I want to get my bodyfat below 10%. Then I will do more, but only using the rules above.

Hope this saves you a ton of time with your workouts.

Enjoy your holidays!


P.S. You can get both books, The Every Other Day Dietplan and 7 Minute Body, for a big-time discount by going here and watching this presentation:

Click.here to watch the video <-------

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Top 5 Holiday Workout Gifts

Cutting it close?

Need some help???

With Christmas gifts and New Year's Resolutions only a few weeks
away, fitness and fat loss expert Craig Ballantyne sent me his top
5 gift suggestions to share with you.

It doesn't matter if you're buying for someone or if you want to
know the best workout gifts to ask for, Craig has the 5 best
present suggestions.

#5 - A Stability Ball

The stability ball is one of the most versatile fitness tools, and
it allows you to exercise your abs and back of your legs better than
any bodyweight only exercises.

#4 - A kettlebell

With a kettlebell, you can burn calories, do intervals, work your
abs, build strength, and completely sculpt your body. Beginner women
should start with a 12-18 pound kettlebell while beginner men can
start with an 18 or 35 pound bell. You should be able to find
quality kettlebells at a local sports store or online at Dragondoor.

#3 - Kettlebell Workouts

Once you give or get the Kettlebell, you'll also need workouts, and
the best source for beginner and intermediate kettlebell-bodyweight
workouts is the Turbulence Training Kettlebell Revolution program.

Click here to get this program:

=> Kettlebell Revolution

#2 - A Gymboss Timer

This little timer allows you to set two different intervals and will
alert you when each interval is up. For example, you can set it to
do Tabata Intervals (20 seconds on with 10 seconds of recovery) or
to do 30 seconds of Kettlebell swings followed by 30 seconds of rest.
It's a cheap - $20 - tool that will help you organize your workouts
and maximize your results.

Gymboss Interval Timer

#1 - The Turbulence Training Fat Loss System

With Turbulence Training for Fat Loss you can lose fat and sculpt
your body in the comfort of your own home, without doing long, slow,
boring cardio. It is a proven, guaranteed program that will help you
lose belly fat and get a lean, hard, flat stomach.

This is the #1 home workout and perfect for your New Year's fat loss
program, especially if you hate going to busy gyms.

Plus, you can even try out Turbulence Training for less than the
price of a giant, fancy coffee at Starbucks.

Click here to give Turbulence Training a 21-day try-out for less
than 5 bucks:

=> Turbulence Training Trial Click Here!!

And remember: This program is guaranteed to work for you. You have
nothing to lose - and it is the perfect program for anyone in your
family or group of friends who loves to workout.

So those are the 5 best workout presents you can give - or receive -
this year.

Happy Holidays!


PS - Don't miss out on your chance to use Turbulence Training to win
up to $1000 cash in the 7th Turbulence Training Transformation
Contest that starts on Sunday, December 27th.

Click here to get ready to get started with Turbulence Training:

=> Trial Offer Click Here!!!

More details on the 7th Transformation Contest coming soon!